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Found 7 videos
Search: "Team Fortress 2"
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Unprofessional Fridays: 05/24/2013
Posted: May. 24, 2013 | with Jeff, Vinny, Ryan Davis, Brad, Rorie, Patrick Klepek and AlexisWe sample 101 games, Ryan and Brad saw logs, White Face invades, while Jeff prepares to get Rift-ed.Playlist
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Thursday Night Throwdown: 08/23/12
Posted: Aug. 23, 2012 | with Ryan Davis, Jeff, Patrick Klepek and Will SmithOh, Will Smith-ie, they don't believe me but you won't let those robots eat me...in Team Fortress 2-ie.Playlist
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Thursday Night Throwdown: 08/25/11
Posted: Aug. 26, 2011 | with Will Smith, Dave Snider and Gary WhittaThursday Night Tested celebrates the 15th birthday of Team Fortress.Playlist
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Thursday Night Throwdown: 07/14/11
Posted: Jul. 14, 2011 | with Will Smith, Gary Whitta, Ryan Davis and NormValve proves it can still draw a crowd with its love for class-based shooters and hats.Playlist
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Thursday Night Throwdown: 03/10/11
Posted: Mar. 10, 2011 | with Norm and Will SmithPlaying:Playlist0Show Details/Timestamps -
Thursday Night Throwdown: 07/15/10
Posted: Jul. 15, 2010 | with Norm, Ryan Davis, Jeff, Matt Kessler, Dave Snider and Will SmithPlaying:Playlist0Show Details/Timestamps