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Search: "Super Mario World"
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Unprofessional Fridays: 03/22/2019
Posted: Mar. 22, 2019 | with Jeff, Brad, Eric Pope, Will Smith and Samantha Kalman Chat ArchiveWe wrap up GDC week with a couple friends!Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 02/16/18
Posted: Feb. 16, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveThis week we jump in a tank, throw a couple fireballs, and dig into some old games! ...those eyes won't stop staring though...Playlist
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Quick Look: Star Fox 2 (Plus the Rest of the SNES Classic Line-Up)
Posted: Sep. 29, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad and BenWhen we heard there was an unreleased sequel hidden inside the SNES Classic Edition, we were immediately excited to finally see Rap Jam: Volume Two. Sadly, it was not meant to be.Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 04/29/2016
Posted: Apr. 29, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Dan, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveJason channels Rodman, Dan thinks he's number one, Jeff hacks a mountain, and Brad's missing a DLL.Playlist
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The "No, This Won't Be Archived" Final Live Free-For-All of 2012!
Posted: Dec. 21, 2012 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisFour hours of Famicom games.Playlist
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Thursday Afternoon SNES Time, Y'all: 07/12/12
Posted: Jul. 12, 2012 | with Jeff, Brad and VinnyJoin Brad, Vinny, Jeff, and a tub of game tapes on the couch for another session of retro console madness.Playlist
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Members Only SNES Party: Part 01
Posted: Aug. 23, 2011 | with Jeff, Ryan Davis, Brad and Patrick KlepekWe kick off our marathon of classic SNES games with some Mario, Pilotwings, and Super Metroid.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Members Only SNES Party7Show Details/Timestamps