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Search: "Super Castlevania IV"
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Quick Look: Star Fox 2 (Plus the Rest of the SNES Classic Line-Up)
Posted: Sep. 29, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad and BenWhen we heard there was an unreleased sequel hidden inside the SNES Classic Edition, we were immediately excited to finally see Rap Jam: Volume Two. Sadly, it was not meant to be.Playlist
17Show Details/Timestamps -
VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV - Part 03
Posted: Nov. 13, 2015 | with Vinny, Alex and Austin Chat ArchiveWe're on the road to Dracula, but first we have to make a few stops and visit some old friends.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV7Show Details/Timestamps -
VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV - Part 02
Posted: Oct. 23, 2015 | with Vinny, Alex and Austin Chat ArchiveWe keep the Dracula train moving forward with more swinging, more whipping, and more Frankenstein('s Monster).Playlist
Highlights:Part of: VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV1Show Details/Timestamps -
VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV - Part 01
Posted: Oct. 16, 2015 | with Vinny, Alex and Austin Chat ArchiveWe return to Simon Belmont and his never ending quest to... WE CAN WHIP UP?! GAME. OVER.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: VinnyVania: Super Castlevania IV4Show Details/Timestamps