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Found 6 videos
Search: "Star Wars: Battlefront"
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Unprofessional Fridays: 11/20/2015
Posted: Nov. 20, 2015 | with Brad, Drew, Dan, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveJason's blood goes bad, Brad's harassing, Drew's all like "pew pew pew", and Dan gets his revengeance.Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 11/13/2015
Posted: Nov. 13, 2015 | with Brad, Drew, Dan, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveDrew ain't afraid of no spirits, Brad can take a tiger, Dan be frontin', and Jason's doing the time warp again. Frrrrriiiidaaaaaayyy.Playlist
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A Bit of Star Wars Battlefront Beta
Posted: Oct. 7, 2015 | with Vinny and Austin Chat ArchiveI've got a snowspeeder, a tow cable, and limited knowledge of the controls! Look out Empire!Playlist
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Demo Derby: Official PlayStation Magazine: Issue 85
Posted: Feb. 16, 2015 | with Jeff, Drew and DanDan, Drew, and Jeff find some tips on how to get their hardcore gaming selves into E3.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Demo Derby43Show Details/Timestamps -
Demo Derby: Official Xbox Magazine 039
Posted: Oct. 23, 2014 | with Jeff and DanWe choose to believe that wherever Johnny is today, he's still rockin'.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Demo Derby9Show Details/Timestamps