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Found 3 videos
Search: "Star Raiders"
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Jeff Gerstmann Plays Some Atari 800 Games in his Bedroom (12/29/2015)
Posted: Dec. 30, 2015 | with JeffJeff Gerstmann comes to you live from his bedroom to play some Atari 8-bit games. Join us on a quest. An Action Quest! (There's a bit of a skip in this somewhere around the 4:28 mark, but hey, downloading Twitch archives still isn't an exact science, right?)Playlist
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Quick Look: Star Raiders
Posted: May. 12, 2011 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisJeff and Ryan just can't seem to escape giant sedentary spaceships in this latest Atari game reboot.Playlist
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Quick Look: Game Room for 12/15/10
Posted: Dec. 16, 2010 | with Jeff, Ryan Davis and Paul BarnettJeff, Ryan, and special guest Paul Barnett take this opportunity to reflect on Game Room.Playlist
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