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Search: "Saints Row: The Third"
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Quick Look: Saints Row: The Third: Gangstas In Space
Posted: Feb. 24, 2012 | with Vinny and Ryan DavisRyan and Vinny get downright thespian in The Third's second, otherworldly DLC outing.Playlist
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Quick Look: Saints Row: The Third: Genkibowl VII
Posted: Jan. 21, 2012 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisRyan and Jeff strap in (and on) for another go-round in Professor Genki's sadistic fun house.Playlist
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Game of the Year 2011: Day 01 Recap
Posted: Dec. 26, 2011Ryan shows us the winners of today's categories, as well as what the users think his favorite game is.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Game of the Year 20112Show Details/Timestamps -
Quick Look: Saints Row: The Third
Posted: Nov. 10, 2011 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisVTOL jets, tanks, dildo bats, and battle nuns are all a part of the job for Jeff and Ryan.Playlist
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