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Search: "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved"
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Holiday Specialtacular 2017: Winter Games
Posted: Dec. 28, 2017 | with Jeff, Vinny, Brad, Dan, Alex, Jason, Ben and AbbyThis year we start a new tradition: THE WINTER GAMES! The crew competes for the most coveted prize in all of Giant Bomb history, tune in to see who takes it all the way home!Playlist
33Show Details/Timestamps -
Breaking Brad: Geometry Wars: Survived 1,000,000 - Part 02
Posted: Sep. 28, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad and DanWar never changes, but it can break a Brad.Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 03/04/2016
Posted: Mar. 4, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Dan and John Vignocchi Chat ArchiveMarlon Brando joins us on the couch for zombie pilots, jamming, geometry, and omnipotent robots.Playlist
Highlights:Featured in:25Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2014 - Day 3: Part 11
Posted: Nov. 7, 2014 | with BradIn the end, there was only one man who could end Brad's grueling Extra Life shift.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Extra Life 2014 - Day 3, Extra Life 20140Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2013 - Day 1: Part 12
Posted: Nov. 2, 2013 | with BradWind Waker HD eventually happens, but not before Brad revisits a favorite launch title of yesteryear.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Extra Life 2013 - Day 1, Extra Life 20130Show Details/Timestamps -
Breaking Brad: Call of Duty 4's Mile High Club - Part 2
Posted: Dec. 6, 2011 | with Brad, Jeff, Ryan Davis, Will Smith and Patrick KlepekI cannot stress enough how important killing Bathroom Guy is to our efforts in this theater.Playlist
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Breaking Brad: Geometry Wars: Survived 1,000,000
Posted: Oct. 28, 2011 | with Brad, Jeff and Patrick KlepekOn the hunt for geometric nirvana, Brad finds himself naked in the middle of the desert.Playlist
1Show Details/Timestamps