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Search: "Evolve"
Breakfast 'N' Ben - Halo: Combat Evolved - 1/16/2020
Posted: Jan. 16, 2020 | with Chat ArchiveLet's find out what all the fuss is about shall we?Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 06/26/2015
Posted: Jun. 26, 2015 | with Jeff, Brad and Rorie Chat ArchiveJeff gets a hold of a swear stick, Brad survives by punching and pooping, and Rorie scores some points with Richard Knockers. Just like every Friday.Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 10/31/2014
Posted: Oct. 31, 2014 | with Jeff, Dan, Drew, Mary Kish and Rorie Chat ArchiveDan's spooking, Mary's evolving, Drew's guiding, and Jeff's... chilling? Penguin costume. These are the jokes. It's Friday.Playlist
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Metal Gear Scanlon - Part 02 (Premium)
Posted: Aug. 22, 2014 | with Drew and DanDrew and Dan "orbit" around a president for QUITE SOME TIME before deciding to just blow it all up.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Metal Gear Scanlon5Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2013 - Day 1: Part 12
Posted: Nov. 2, 2013 | with BradWind Waker HD eventually happens, but not before Brad revisits a favorite launch title of yesteryear.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Extra Life 2013 - Day 1, Extra Life 20130Show Details/Timestamps -
Breaking Brad: Call of Duty 4's Mile High Club - Part 2
Posted: Dec. 6, 2011 | with Brad, Jeff, Ryan Davis, Will Smith and Patrick KlepekI cannot stress enough how important killing Bathroom Guy is to our efforts in this theater.Playlist
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Thursday Night Throwdown: 12/01/11
Posted: Dec. 1, 2011 | with Brad, Ryan Davis, Will Smith and Gary WhittaWarthog madness and neck-stabbing abound in this Halo Anniversary/AC Revelations double-header.Playlist
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Quick Look: Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012
Posted: Nov. 25, 2011 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisIf your fitness goal is to become Cyber-Jeff, this game is for you!Playlist
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Quick Look: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Posted: Nov. 14, 2011 | with Jeff and DrewEven the mustaches are looking good as we head back to the beginning to finish the fight.Playlist
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Quick Look: Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
Posted: Nov. 5, 2010 | with Jeff, Ryan Davis and Dave SniderJeff feels the burn in places he didn't even know he had.Playlist
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Quick Look: Front Mission Evolved
Posted: Oct. 18, 2010 | with Jeff and BradJeff and Brad evaluate whether or not this one should have stayed in the primordial ooze.Playlist
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