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Found 3 videos
featuring: Elevator Action
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Lockdown 2020: The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game (07/29/2020) - Skater XL, Meme Run 2, American Truck SR, Elevator Action
Posted: Jul. 29, 2020 | with JeffLet's take a look at the 1.0 release of Skater XL and, if this stream can handle it, some Meme Run 2? If we survive those, we'll see what else is going on.Playlist
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: Cool Spot, Ikari Warriors, Irritating Stick, and More!
Posted: Nov. 22, 2017 | with JeffThe holidays are upon us, so that means it's time for two different Elevator Action games, that GBA version of Tony Hawk 2, and some hard realizations about the NES version of Ikari Warriors.Playlist
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The Final Giant Bomb Live Show of 2015
Posted: Dec. 18, 2015 | with Jeff Chat ArchiveJeff locks himself in a room with a bunch of old games until these holiday things blow over.Playlist
Highlights:The name of the emulator is BizHawk.
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