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Found 12 videos
featuring: Genshin Impact
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We Talk Over: Summer Game Fest 2021
Posted: Jun. 10, 2021 | with Jeff, Jason, Jeff Bakalar and Jan Chat ArchiveWe talked over Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest where there were TONS of skins, a Metal Slug Tactics game, a Swedish Game, dinosaurs, more Jeffs, and Elden Ring?!Playlist
3Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 656: Throw Up Your Bungers
Posted: Oct. 13, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and JanGenshin Impact makes a big impact this week, as does Bugsnax. PS4 games on PS5 get detailed, Crucible gets the axe. Milla Jovovich loves Meowscular Chef. Rambo is in MK11. It's a Bombcast!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 656: Throw Up Your Bungers
Posted: Oct. 13, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and JanGenshin Impact makes a big impact this week, as does Bugsnax. PS4 games on PS5 get detailed, Crucible gets the axe. Milla Jovovich loves Meowscular Chef. Rambo is in MK11. It's a Bombcast!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
The HotSpot - Episode 382
Posted: Oct. 9, 2020 | withLiquid metal! Gacha action! Snacks that are also bugs! This HotSpot has it all.Playlist
Playing:Part of: The HotSpot0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 655: X Gon' Confirm It For Ya
Posted: Oct. 6, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JanStar Wars: Squadrons! Genshin Impact! Hades! The Oculus Quest 2! The PlayStation 5's mysterious nut! The contentious subject of Xs and Os! The biggest a-hole in video games! What WON'T you hear about on this podcast?!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 655: X Gon' Confirm It For Ya
Posted: Oct. 6, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JanStar Wars: Squadrons! Genshin Impact! Hades! The Oculus Quest 2! The PlayStation 5's mysterious nut! The contentious subject of Xs and Os! The biggest a-hole in video games! What WON'T you hear about on this podcast?!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 654: Vault of Ass
Posted: Sep. 29, 2020 | withWe're pretty taken with Hades and Spelunky 2 here, not so much WWE Battlegrounds or Serious Sam 4. Next-gen console news! A live sideshow! Mario except what if he was food! Tune in!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 654: Vault of Ass
Posted: Sep. 29, 2020 | withWe're pretty taken with Hades and Spelunky 2 here, not so much WWE Battlegrounds or Serious Sam 4. Next-gen console news! A live sideshow! Mario except what if he was food! Tune in!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps