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Found 7 videos
featuring: Final Fight
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Unprofessional Fridays: 02/28/20
Posted: Feb. 28, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad and Rorie Chat ArchiveWould you punch a mayor?Playlist
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Old Games: The Last Old Games of 2019
Posted: Dec. 19, 2019 | with Chat ArchiveHang out as we check out some old games for the last time (maybe!) of this year!Playlist
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: Super Double Dragon, Homebrewce Lee, More!
Posted: Mar. 6, 2018 | with JeffI certainly didn't intend to play Super Double Dragon start-to-finish here, but that's exactly how it went. Hey, how about Bruce Lee for the Master System and some PS1 skateboarding, too?Playlist
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: IK+, Ghostbusters, Forbidden Forest, and More
Posted: Feb. 15, 2018 | with JeffThere's a reason why they call it the "Forbidden" Forest, and we're about to see that first hand. Also, some International Karate, Winter Games, World Games, Ghostbusters, and other C64 "smash" "hits."Playlist
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: Eternal Champions, ToeJam & Earl, Wings of Wor & More
Posted: Feb. 13, 2017 | with JeffI drank a bunch of concentrated coffee and got all jittery so I'm using Genesis and Sega CD games to keep me calm until the feeling subsides.Playlist
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Quick Look: Final Fight: Double Impact
Posted: Apr. 5, 2010 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisSure, Final Fight is great, but it's the "Double Impact" part that intrigues Jeff and Ryan.Playlist
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