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featuring: Super Punch-Out!!
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Old Games: Super Punch-Out
Posted: Aug. 26, 2022 | with Dan and JanThe Gabby Jays, in the form of Jeff Grubb and Jan Ochoa, are here to fight Giant Bomb's Little Mac, Dan Ryckert! It's totally going to be a fair fight that isn't going to be lopsided at all!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 750: Quasi-Illegal
Posted: Aug. 9, 2022 | with Jeff Bakalar and JanWe're joined by Fanbyte's Michael Higham as he regails us with his experience at EVO 2022, Jan and Grubb dig into Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Street Fighter 6 updates, the third Sonic movie's release date, and even more!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Quick Look: Star Fox 2 (Plus the Rest of the SNES Classic Line-Up)
Posted: Sep. 29, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad and BenWhen we heard there was an unreleased sequel hidden inside the SNES Classic Edition, we were immediately excited to finally see Rap Jam: Volume Two. Sadly, it was not meant to be.Playlist
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