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Found 40 videos
featuring: Monster Hunter: World
Giant Bombcast 618: Teach Gohan to Fish
Posted: Jan. 21, 2020 | withThis week we talk Doom Eternal and DBZ Kakarot, PlayStation 5 leaks and delay after delay, the great Byleth conspiracy, boiling eyeballs, a Halo retrospective, the video-rental-to-liquor-store pipeline, and a sighting of the elusive "coin ship."Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 618: Teach Gohan to Fish
Posted: Jan. 21, 2020 | withThis week we talk Doom Eternal and DBZ Kakarot, PlayStation 5 leaks and delay after delay, the great Byleth conspiracy, boiling eyeballs, a Halo retrospective, the video-rental-to-liquor-store pipeline, and a sighting of the elusive "coin ship."Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 617: Bathtub Full of Food
Posted: Jan. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Jason and JanWe welcome Brad back as we discuss Sony skipping out on E3, Nintendo's upcoming theme park, the Epic Games Store, what Wattam is, and much more on this week's Giant Bombcast!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 617: Bathtub Full of Food
Posted: Jan. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Jason and JanWe welcome Brad back as we discuss Sony skipping out on E3, Nintendo's upcoming theme park, the Epic Games Store, what Wattam is, and much more on this week's Giant Bombcast!Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 01/10/2020
Posted: Jan. 10, 2020 | with Chat ArchiveIt may be a new year, but we intend to be unprofessional as always!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 616: Sonic's Wife
Posted: Jan. 7, 2020 | withWe're back from the holidays! Come along as we recount our activities during the break, new console logos, CES news, the anatomy of an echidna, and much more!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 616: Sonic's Wife
Posted: Jan. 7, 2020 | withWe're back from the holidays! Come along as we recount our activities during the break, new console logos, CES news, the anatomy of an echidna, and much more!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 605: Baby's First Earthquake
Posted: Oct. 15, 2019 | withInstead of all the embargoed games we can't talk about, this week we get into MiSTer updates, Gabe's missing minigun, a bit of Final Fantasy reminiscing, speculation about new-console load times, soda beer, more bad (?) '80s songs, and the ongoing reverberations of Blizzard's Hong Kong blunder.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 605: Baby's First Earthquake
Posted: Oct. 15, 2019 | withInstead of all the embargoed games we can't talk about, this week we get into MiSTer updates, Gabe's missing minigun, a bit of Final Fantasy reminiscing, speculation about new-console load times, soda beer, more bad (?) '80s songs, and the ongoing reverberations of Blizzard's Hong Kong blunder.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 600: Big Game Pass
Posted: Sep. 10, 2019 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie and JasonThis week we dig into Gears the Fifth, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, new Monster Hunter and PvZ, the weirdest Nintendo Direct, Apple's Arcade, car firmware updates, and the curious case of the Borderlands reviews.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 600: Big Game Pass
Posted: Sep. 10, 2019 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie and JasonThis week we dig into Gears the Fifth, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, new Monster Hunter and PvZ, the weirdest Nintendo Direct, Apple's Arcade, car firmware updates, and the curious case of the Borderlands reviews.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast3Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 595: It's Always the Cute Monks
Posted: Aug. 6, 2019 | withGameSpot's Kallie Plagge and Michael Higham drop by with more on Fire Emblem and Wolfenstein, an on-the-scene EVO 2019 report, a word on the events of the weekend, and our ever-popular segment, foodmails.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 595: It's Always the Cute Monks
Posted: Aug. 6, 2019 | withGameSpot's Kallie Plagge and Michael Higham drop by with more on Fire Emblem and Wolfenstein, an on-the-scene EVO 2019 report, a word on the events of the weekend, and our ever-popular segment, foodmails.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps