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Found 4 videos
featuring: Polybius
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Giant Bombcast 526: Ultra Mario
Posted: Apr. 3, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben, Jason and JanThis week we're all about old and new arcade games, consoles that did and didn't exist, and rampant E3 speculation, with a dash of new releases like Minit, Ni no Kuni 2, and Far Cry 5 for good measure!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 513: 2018 Stick
Posted: Jan. 2, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and JanWe're ringing in the new year with chat about a bunch of old years that included Apple II gaming, Usenet archives, Trumpet Winsock, and vector monitors. Oh, there are some new games too. Happy 2018!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 487: Call of the Night Rooster (Premium)
Posted: Jun. 27, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JasonThis week our SNESs are tiny and our Battle Passes leveled. Jeff checks in with Saturn modding. Brad checks in with PS VR. Ben finished Nier a thousand times. It’s a podcast!Playlist
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