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Found 11 videos
featuring: Nidhogg II
Reversed Order
Giant Bombcast 546: Declaration of Hot Dogs
Posted: Aug. 21, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben, Jason and JanNoted European Gary Whitta stops by to help us make sense of Gamescom, esports careers, Windjammers 2 (?!?), expensive graphics cards, the future fate of Alameda, and the best misters.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Go Rig Or Go Home
Posted: Sep. 21, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Ben and Jason Chat ArchiveOur studio PC sucks! Join Brad and company as we slam our heads against these parts and hope we get something out of it.Playlist
10Show Details/Timestamps -
Unprofessional Fridays: 08/18/17
Posted: Aug. 18, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie and Ben Chat ArchiveJoin us as we witness a Pac-attack, a lack of attack, and a Pack attack.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 461: Movie Theater Ghosts
Posted: Dec. 20, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew, Rorie and JasonAboard the station Bombcast we observe the dark business of mock reviews, hot dog techniques, and why Quick Looks are so darn quick.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 461: Movie Theater Ghosts (Premium)
Posted: Dec. 20, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew, Rorie and JasonAboard the station Bombcast we observe the dark business of mock reviews, hot dog techniques, and why Quick Looks are so darn quick.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast1Show Details/Timestamps -
Best of Giant Bomb 113 - Bomb Attack
Posted: Dec. 17, 2016Nothing says extreme sports quite like VR. Don't try this at home.Playlist
Featuring:Part of: Best of Giant Bomb0Show Details/Timestamps -
Unprofessional Fridays: 12/09/2016
Posted: Dec. 9, 2016 | with Jeff, Vinny, Brad, Dan and Alex Chat ArchiveIt's roundabout time for the NY boys to go, but not before we sword fight, sculpt, and space truck.Playlist
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15Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 450: Fun at the Movies (Premium)
Posted: Oct. 4, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonI'm not sure who notarized this podcast to talk this much about toilet paper, but here we are.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 450: Fun at the Movies
Posted: Oct. 4, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonI'm not sure who notarized this podcast to talk this much about toilet paper, but here we are.Playlist
Talking about:
Highlights:Part of: Giant Bombcast1Show Details/Timestamps