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Found 38 videos
featuring: Death Stranding
Giant Bombcast 739: FULL BALL CONTROL
Posted: May. 24, 2022 | with Jeff, Jeff Bakalar and JanWe Celebrate Pac-Man's birthday by swinging into Golf Gang, Multiversus, Apex Legends Mobile, V Rising, along with some more Death Stranding sequel scuttle, and PlayStation Plus' new tiers!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 701: A Good VCR
Posted: Aug. 31, 2021 | with Jeff, Jason and JanBefore August ends we're here to talk about Deathloop, cats in tanks, Fortnite news, Gamescom, and pilgrimages for beer!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 701: A Good VCR
Posted: Aug. 31, 2021 | with Jeff, Jason and JanBefore August ends we're here to talk about Deathloop, cats in tanks, Fortnite news, Gamescom, and pilgrimages for beer!Playlist
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We Talk Over: Summer Game Fest 2021
Posted: Jun. 10, 2021 | with Jeff, Jason, Jeff Bakalar and Jan Chat ArchiveWe talked over Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest where there were TONS of skins, a Metal Slug Tactics game, a Swedish Game, dinosaurs, more Jeffs, and Elden Ring?!Playlist
3Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 643: Save the Truck for Last
Posted: Jul. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and JanGhost of Tsushima leads this week's show, along with Devolverland's not-E3, the latest Superhot, Ubisoft's Forward event and ongoing internal turmoil, Sony's Epic investment, the most expensive Mario ever sold, NEC's anime console, and Ice Cube's love of the Sega Saturn.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 643: Save the Truck for Last
Posted: Jul. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and JanGhost of Tsushima leads this week's show, along with Devolverland's not-E3, the latest Superhot, Ubisoft's Forward event and ongoing internal turmoil, Sony's Epic investment, the most expensive Mario ever sold, NEC's anime console, and Ice Cube's love of the Sega Saturn.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 617: Bathtub Full of Food
Posted: Jan. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Jason and JanWe welcome Brad back as we discuss Sony skipping out on E3, Nintendo's upcoming theme park, the Epic Games Store, what Wattam is, and much more on this week's Giant Bombcast!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 617: Bathtub Full of Food
Posted: Jan. 14, 2020 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Jason and JanWe welcome Brad back as we discuss Sony skipping out on E3, Nintendo's upcoming theme park, the Epic Games Store, what Wattam is, and much more on this week's Giant Bombcast!Playlist
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Best of Giant Bomb: 2019
Posted: Dec. 21, 2019Congratulations, you have made it to the end of 2019. Reward yourself with the best of the “Best Of”s from 2019.Playlist
Featuring:Part of: Best of Giant Bomb11Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 612: Two Two Tacos
Posted: Dec. 3, 2019This week we're joined by a very special guest: you! Join us for a whole bunch of e- and voice mails as we entertain your thoughts on fast-food ordering, Death Stranding spreadsheets, puffy jackets, and other topics of the day.Playlist
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