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Found 15 videos
featuring: Tekken 7: Fated Retribution
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Unprofessional Fridays: 01/05/2018
Posted: Jan. 5, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie, Jason and Ben Chat ArchiveIt's a new year and the gang is all here! Watch and we'll UPDATE you on a couple things!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 487: Call of the Night Rooster (Premium)
Posted: Jun. 27, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JasonThis week our SNESs are tiny and our Battle Passes leveled. Jeff checks in with Saturn modding. Brad checks in with PS VR. Ben finished Nier a thousand times. It’s a podcast!Playlist
Talking about:
Other timestamps:Part of: Giant Bombcast3Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 487: Call of the Night Rooster
Posted: Jun. 27, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JasonThis week our SNESs are tiny and our Battle Passes leveled. Jeff checks in with Saturn modding. Brad checks in with PS VR. Ben finished Nier a thousand times. It’s a podcast!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 484: Dirty Dusted Grandpa
Posted: Jun. 6, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and BenOur last regular show before E3 sees us diving deep into Tekken 7, dissecting the Switch’s weird online offering, pondering all the movers and shakers at the show, taking knife-vs-bat offworld, and tapping the wokest clicker ever made.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast1Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 484: Dirty Dusted Grandpa (Premium)
Posted: Jun. 6, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and BenOur last regular show before E3 sees us diving deep into Tekken 7, dissecting the Switch’s weird online offering, pondering all the movers and shakers at the show, taking knife-vs-bat offworld, and tapping the wokest clicker ever made.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast2Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 483: Sega Flair Vs. Virtua Hogan (Premium)
Posted: May. 30, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and BenThis week we stretch our Arms, crash into the Danger Zone, try and fail to play Friday the 13th, ponder the Far Cry 5 reveal, do some E3 speculatin’, blast through a lightning round, and entertain the idea of a new Seaman?!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast1Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 483: Sega Flair Vs. Virtua Hogan
Posted: May. 30, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Jason and BenThis week we stretch our Arms, crash into the Danger Zone, try and fail to play Friday the 13th, ponder the Far Cry 5 reveal, do some E3 speculatin’, blast through a lightning round, and entertain the idea of a new Seaman?!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 444: Cricket Mouthfeel (Premium)
Posted: Aug. 23, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew, Jason and Alexa Ray CorrieaIf anime butts, space drugs, and zero-G skateboarding were all Olympic sports, we'd at least be on the podium.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 444: Cricket Mouthfeel
Posted: Aug. 23, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew, Jason and Alexa Ray CorrieaIf anime butts, space drugs, and zero-G skateboarding were all Olympic sports, we'd at least be on the podium.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
We Talk Over the Microsoft E3 2016 Press Conference
Posted: Jun. 13, 2016 | with Jeff, Vinny, Brad, Dan, Alex and Austin Chat ArchiveToday’s Horoscope for Scorpio: You are unlikely to be revealed today, but there will be video games on a stage, and Giant Bomb’s editors will be there to talk about them.Playlist
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We Talk Over Sony's Paris Games Week Press Conference
Posted: Oct. 27, 2015 | with Jeff, Brad and Dan Chat ArchiveLet's hear about some PlayStation games, mon amie!Playlist
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