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Found 65 videos
featuring: Rock Band 4
Lockdown 2020: We Be Drummin' 04/15/2021
Posted: Apr. 15, 2021 | with AlexDo you dare experience the playlist so monumentally awful, so unbearably suck-ass, that it damn near killed my Xbox? Buckle up, buttercups. You're in for some pain.Playlist
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Lockdown 2020: We Be Drummin'! 04/08/2021
Posted: Apr. 8, 2021 | with AlexWe had to skip last week in favor of vaccination, but now we're back for another set of jams from some as-yet-unplayed artists. Pray that the webcam survives to rock another week.Playlist
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Lockdown 2020: We Be Drummin'! 03/11/2021
Posted: Mar. 11, 2021 | with Alex Chat ArchiveIt's time for a little spring cleaning, as we work our way through some of the more overrepresented bands currently cluttering up the Rock Band song library.Playlist
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Lockdown 2020: We Be Drummin'! FOR LOVE
Posted: Feb. 11, 2021 | with Alex Chat ArchiveAre drums romantic? Maybe not. Are drums erotic? Absolutely.Playlist
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