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Found 4 videos
featuring: Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Reversed Order
Breaking Brad: Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Posted: Jan. 16, 2020 | with Chat ArchiveWhat better way to start the year than breaking someone down?!Playlist
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: Super Double Dragon, Homebrewce Lee, More!
Posted: Mar. 6, 2018 | with JeffI certainly didn't intend to play Super Double Dragon start-to-finish here, but that's exactly how it went. Hey, how about Bruce Lee for the Master System and some PS1 skateboarding, too?Playlist
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Quick Look: Arcade Archives: Round 07
Posted: Mar. 3, 2016 | with Jeff and DanWho's shoveling cops and watching the rawest arcade game intro of all time? Just a couple of booby kids.Playlist
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