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Found 13 videos
featuring: Cuphead
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Giant Bombcast 745: The Naka Cut
Posted: Jul. 5, 2022 | with JanAfter a long weekend we're back to talk about the Cuphead DLC, Overwatch 2, hot dogs, Sucker Punch leaving Sly behind, and a bunch of other game news!Playlist
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We Talk Over: Sumer Game Fest 2022
Posted: Jun. 9, 2022 | with Dan, Jason and Jeff BakalarIt's Summer Game Fest and we're here to talk over it! They brought a lot of space games, A LOT OF SPACE GAMES. And maybe we should check out this "One Piece"?Playlist
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Best of Giant Bomb 135 - STANGER THINGS
Posted: Nov. 18, 2017 | with Jeff, Vinny and Ben Playlist7Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2017 - Giant Bomb East
Posted: Nov. 16, 2017 | with Vinny, Dan, Alex, Abby, Alex Zandra Van Chestein and Austin Chat ArchiveHere's the full archive of what truly went down in NY during Extra Life 2017. Come join the magic!Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 501: Wavy Tube Physics (Premium)
Posted: Oct. 3, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JasonThe spookiest month begins with indie favs like Steamworld Dig 2 and Cuphead, a Destiny 2 raid post-mortem, Forza progression woes, Red Dead 2 trailer impressions, bootleg Star Fox 2 carts, and your b-mails!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 501: Wavy Tube Physics
Posted: Oct. 3, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Ben and JasonThe spookiest month begins with indie favs like Steamworld Dig 2 and Cuphead, a Destiny 2 raid post-mortem, Forza progression woes, Red Dead 2 trailer impressions, bootleg Star Fox 2 carts, and your b-mails!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps