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Found 13 videos
featuring: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Giant Bombcast Episode 597: Watering a Plastic Succulent
Posted: Aug. 20, 2019GameSpot's Lucy James and Tamoor Hussain stop by to discuss coming to America, third-person peeing, all the news out of Gamescom, being grumpy about Overwatch, and a textbook example of conflict resolution.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast Episode 597: Watering a Plastic Succulent
Posted: Aug. 20, 2019GameSpot's Lucy James and Tamoor Hussain stop by to discuss coming to America, third-person peeing, all the news out of Gamescom, being grumpy about Overwatch, and a textbook example of conflict resolution.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 442: Hair Products and Turkey Bacon (Premium)
Posted: Aug. 9, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonThe top brass from Iron Galaxy is in the house to discuss hot Hitman strats, true cross-platform play, prerelease No Man's Sky, and more!Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast1Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 442: Hair Products and Turkey Bacon
Posted: Aug. 9, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonThe top brass from Iron Galaxy is in the house to discuss hot Hitman strats, true cross-platform play, prerelease No Man's Sky, and more!Playlist
Talking about:
Highlights:Part of: Giant Bombcast2Show Details/Timestamps -
GBE Megadate (04/15/2016)
Posted: Apr. 15, 2016 | with Vinny and Alex Chat ArchiveWe play some Factorio, Witcher 3, Enter the Gungeon, and Ratchet & Clank! Great times with great games!Playlist
13Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2015 - Vinny's Basement: Part 03
Posted: Nov. 18, 2015 | with Vinny Chat ArchiveWe wrap things up with Examina, The Witcher 3, and... of course Sleepy Dogs.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Extra Life 2015 - Vinny's Basement0Show Details/Timestamps -
Extra Life 2015 - Drew & Alexis: Part 05
Posted: Nov. 16, 2015 | with Drew, Alexis, Ian and Mary KishMary's so upset about her calzone she might just fight someone.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Extra Life 2015 - Drew & Alexis5Show Details/Timestamps