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Found 12 videos
featuring: The Last of Us
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Game of the Year 2013: Day Three Recap
Posted: Dec. 25, 2013We continue to check out what games were dope and which were straight bunk.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Game of the Year 20132Show Details/Timestamps -
Game of the Year 2013: Day Two Recap
Posted: Dec. 24, 2013Here they are, our freshest picks of the day, so grab your parachute pants and let's kick it!Playlist
Playing:Part of: Game of the Year 20132Show Details/Timestamps -
Game of the Year 2013: Day One Recap
Posted: Dec. 23, 2013We kick off our Game of the Year awards the grooviest way we know how!Playlist
Playing:Part of: Game of the Year 20132Show Details/Timestamps -
E3 2012: The Last of Us Interview
Posted: Jun. 7, 2012Brad finds out what it's like to live in a world where shotgun-face confrontations are commonplace.Playlist
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E3 2012: The Last of Us Demo
Posted: Jun. 5, 2012Finally a game that makes it look like it hurts when you punch someone.Playlist
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