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Found 158 videos
featuring: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Giant Bomb Mailbag: Brewdogs at Midnight Edition
Posted: Oct. 5, 2011 | with Jeff, Vinny, Ryan Davis, Rorie, Alexis and Joey FameliVinny gets multicultural, Rorie gets camouflaged.Playlist
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Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 153
Posted: Sep. 16, 2009Allow me to introduce you to the Prince of Darkness. He's weak to wind.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 40Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 150
Posted: Sep. 11, 2009We reach our sesquicentennial episode, and boy is it a doozy.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 148
Posted: Sep. 9, 2009Make this one count, Yosuke, we might not see this dungeon again.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 147
Posted: Sep. 8, 2009Ok, we gotta fuse this guy and this guy to get... wait, what were we doing again?Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 146
Posted: Sep. 7, 2009Remember, red guy, we've got God's Hand, so don't try anything.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 145
Posted: Sep. 4, 2009Chie learns a new trick, and saves our butt more than a few times.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 144
Posted: Sep. 3, 2009Just a heads up everybody, anything named "Deathbound" is probably bad news.Playlist
Highlights:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps -
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 142
Posted: Sep. 1, 2009Who knew matadors were so instrumental in six-sided fusion?Playlist
Playing:Part of: Endurance Run: Persona 41Show Details/Timestamps