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Found 7 videos
featuring: Brütal Legend
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Thürsday Night Throwdown: 02/28/13
Posted: Feb. 28, 2013 | with Patrick Klepek, Brad, Tim Schafer, Brad Muir, Nathan Martz, David and DuncanTim Schafer and crew join us on the couch for some insight into Brütal Legend... and Lemmy's apartment.Playlist
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Brütal Legend Video Review
Posted: Oct. 15, 2009Ryan gets right up to the stage to find out if this rocker can hit the high notes.Playlist
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QOTW: 10/11/09
Posted: Oct. 11, 2009Different stroketobers for different folktobers.Playlist
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Quick Look: Brütal Legend Demo
Posted: Sep. 19, 2009 | with Ryan Davis and BradRyan and Brad get a look at the demo for this upcoming rock adventure.Playlist
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Giant Bomb at PAX 09: A Tour With Tim
Posted: Sep. 9, 2009Gerstmann and Schafer take a walk around the floor in this special...trodcast?Playlist
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Tim Schafer on Brütal Legend
Posted: Aug. 13, 2009Brad interviews Tim and discovers what pure hate really sounds like...Playlist
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Tim Schafer on Brütal Legend
Posted: Apr. 30, 2009Brad embarks on a rock odyssey with Tim Schafer, founder of Double Fine.Playlist
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