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Found 2 videos
featuring: Sneakers
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: Late-Nite Atari & Music & Mayhem
Posted: Jul. 7, 2019 | with JeffJeff stays up late to experiment with his streaming gear again, all while listening to some old game tunes and screwing around with some Atari 800 games like Dog Daze Deluxe, Dimension X, and Sneakers.Playlist
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Jeff Gerstmann Plays Some Atari 800 Games in his Bedroom (12/29/2015)
Posted: Dec. 30, 2015 | with JeffJeff Gerstmann comes to you live from his bedroom to play some Atari 8-bit games. Join us on a quest. An Action Quest! (There's a bit of a skip in this somewhere around the 4:28 mark, but hey, downloading Twitch archives still isn't an exact science, right?)Playlist
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