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Found 12 videos
featuring: Super Mario World
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Arcade Pit: Arcade Pit: Team Fancy Cats vs. We Bought a Horse
Posted: May. 4, 2022 | with JanArcade Pit is back, and it's not a tournament anymore! Jan and Jess face off against friends of the site Niki Grayson and Steven Strom from FanByte!Playlist
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Playdate: 09/06/2019
Posted: Sep. 6, 2019 | with Vinny, Dan and Alex Chat ArchiveIt's time to take Control and make it look pretty and trace the rays. After that we'll dive into some classic SNES games, and finally fart and grab things!Playlist
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Unprofessional Fridays: 02/16/18
Posted: Feb. 16, 2018 | with Jeff, Brad, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveThis week we jump in a tank, throw a couple fireballs, and dig into some old games! ...those eyes won't stop staring though...Playlist
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Quick Look: Star Fox 2 (Plus the Rest of the SNES Classic Line-Up)
Posted: Sep. 29, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad and BenWhen we heard there was an unreleased sequel hidden inside the SNES Classic Edition, we were immediately excited to finally see Rap Jam: Volume Two. Sadly, it was not meant to be.Playlist
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Giant Bombcast 463: A Tokyo New Year (Premium)
Posted: Jan. 10, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonDrew is back from his investigation mission of Japan's arcades and Will Smith stops by to wish everyone a Happy New Year.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Giant Bombcast 463: A Tokyo New Year
Posted: Jan. 10, 2017 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew and JasonDrew is back from his investigation mission of Japan's arcades and Will Smith stops by to wish everyone a Happy New Year.Playlist
Talking about:Part of: Giant Bombcast0Show Details/Timestamps -
Unprofessional Fridays: 04/29/2016
Posted: Apr. 29, 2016 | with Jeff, Brad, Dan, Rorie and Jason Chat ArchiveJason channels Rodman, Dan thinks he's number one, Jeff hacks a mountain, and Brad's missing a DLL.Playlist
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The "No, This Won't Be Archived" Final Live Free-For-All of 2012!
Posted: Dec. 21, 2012 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisFour hours of Famicom games.Playlist
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Thursday Afternoon SNES Time, Y'all: 07/12/12
Posted: Jul. 12, 2012 | with Jeff, Brad and VinnyJoin Brad, Vinny, Jeff, and a tub of game tapes on the couch for another session of retro console madness.Playlist
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