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Found 8 videos
featuring: Devil May Cry
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Bradley May Cry: Part 06
Posted: Aug. 21, 2013 | with Vinny and BradAll your questions, be they about bananas, antimatter, or the end of this game, will be answered.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry0Show Details/Timestamps -
Bradley May Cry: Part 05
Posted: Aug. 14, 2013 | with Vinny and BradIs this the end for Dante? Will we see glorious victory or suffer blasé defeat at the hands of indifference.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry0Show Details/Timestamps -
Bradley May Cry: Part 04
Posted: Jun. 28, 2013 | with Vinny and BradBrad stares deep into the heart of Devil May Cry, but what happens when it stares back?Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry0Show Details/Timestamps -
Bradley May Cry: Part 03
Posted: Apr. 16, 2013 | with Vinny and BradMasters of DMC Brad and Vinny go on a demon-killing tear, from creepy castles to UNDER WATER!Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry0Show Details/Timestamps -
Bradley May Cry: Part 02
Posted: Feb. 12, 2013 | with Vinny and BradWith hair like that, it's understandable that a demon with huge scissors would be a problem!Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry0Show Details/Timestamps -
Bradley May Cry: Part 01
Posted: Jan. 24, 2013 | with Vinny and BradBefore there was Dante, there was...Dante, and lest we forget, Brad reminds of us his glory.Playlist
Playing:Part of: Bradley May Cry1Show Details/Timestamps -
Quick Look: Devil May Cry
Posted: Jan. 15, 2013 | with Jeff, Brad and Patrick KlepekBrad's looking for a soul to steal, and this one is just too good to pass up.Playlist
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