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Found 5 videos
featuring: Joust
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The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: More MiSTer Madness
Posted: Apr. 3, 2019 | with Jeff Chat ArchiveIt's time to light up these cores and check out some NeoGeo progress, then dip into some arcade action, a bunch of bad Mappy games, Karateka, the Beach Head franchise, and the world's best BC's Quest for Tires run you will ever see in your life.Playlist
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Jeff Gerstmann Plays Some Atari 800 Games in his Bedroom (12/29/2015)
Posted: Dec. 30, 2015 | with JeffJeff Gerstmann comes to you live from his bedroom to play some Atari 8-bit games. Join us on a quest. An Action Quest! (There's a bit of a skip in this somewhere around the 4:28 mark, but hey, downloading Twitch archives still isn't an exact science, right?)Playlist
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Quick Look: Midway Arcade Origins
Posted: Nov. 8, 2012 | with Jeff and Ryan DavisJeff and Ryan test the limits of their bladders as they run through MORE THAN 30 arcade classics.Playlist
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Prepare To Joust - Part 02
Posted: Oct. 1, 2011 | with VinnyAnd Vinny saw that the light was good, and he separated Joust from the darkness.Playlist
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Prepare To Joust - Part 01
Posted: Sep. 15, 2011 | with VinnyVinny replaces the soundboard on his classic Joust machine on his quest for "woup woup woup."Playlist
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